You can realize the ideal of enjoying the healthy smile and straight teeth you want as an adult today. If you think that time has passed you by, we can reassure you that the time is now. This is the perfect opportunity to discuss the adult treatment options available to you with Dr. Joti Kaler.
In the past, orthodontics has been primarily associated with children and teens. Today it is nearly as common to see adults from 18 to 70 with braces at Champion Orthodontics! The necessity of healthy teeth does not diminish as we mature; in fact, it becomes more important. As we mature dentally, we become prone to crowding, difficulty flossing (which can lead to early tooth loss and gum disease), bone loss and irregular wear of the tooth enamel. How we feel when we present ourselves to the world is equally important. Have you insisted pictures be taken from a certain angle to hide that misaligned tooth, or have you stopped smiling altogether?
Most patients understand that a straighter smile is more aesthetically pleasing; however, there are a myriad of health and function factors that can become more problematic if left untreated later in life. To learn more about the benefits of adult orthodontic treatment in Modesto, California, and to explore the various discreet treatment options available to you, we welcome you to call us today and schedule your complimentary evaluation. The team at Champion Orthodontics looks forward to helping you with your treatment goals.
The milestones in our lives come and go: your children’s high school or college graduation, their wedding day, your class reunion. The scenarios are endless and the time has never better than now to make the orthodontist appointment you have been putting off. You have given your family the very best care, so isn’t it time to do this for yourself? To schedule a free consultation and learn more about your options for adult orthodontic treatment in Modesto, California, call our team today at 209-575-5888.